Kylie Heiland

User 1

Pre-Test Questionnaire

  • Question #1 - Have you heard of quadball?
    "I have not, but it does seem interesting as I am into anything sports-related."
  • Question #2 - If yes, have you used this website before?
  • Question #3 - Do you prefer websites with more pages and less content on each page or fewer pages with more content on each page?
    "More pages so it isn't oversaturated on each page."
  • Question #4 - Say you were looking for a brand's contact form on their website that you have never used before. Do you try to find the form without assistance or use the website's search bar?
    "If I am in a hurry, I will probably use the search bar."
  • Question #5 - When visiting a new website, do you usually start by exploring the main menu or scroll through the homepage?
    "Scroll through the home page."
  • Question #6 - Do you prefer buttons or underlined/colored/formatted text to indicate a link?
    "Buttons. In-text links do not look very appealing."
  • Question #7 - Have you ever used an interactive map on a website before?
    "Maybe for DoorDash, but that's about it."
  • Question #8 - Does a website's (lack of) aesthetic affect your overall opinion of a website and its function?
    "As long as it is somewhat visually appealing, I don't have a problem with it."
  • Question #9 - If a website contains multimedia content such as videos, do you typically engage with it?
    "I might watch a short clip, but I wouldn't invest to watch a 2-3 minutes long video."
  • Question #10 - How comfortable are you with clicking links that redirect you to external pages or different websites when navigating a website?
    "If it redirects me to an external website I am not familiar with, especially if I am trying to purchase or input personal information, then that is something I am not very comfortable with."
  • Question #11 - Do you expect all links in a website's navigation bar to only link to internal pages? Or external pages, too?
    "They both work because sometimes it makes sense to take the user to an external page, even if that link is in the navigation bar."

Post-Test Questionnaire

  • Question #1 - How easy was it to find specific information about quadball, such as its origins or rulebook?
    "It was not overly difficult to find for a novice on the website. But it was interesting placement for the rulebook to be located on the 'Documents & Policies' page."
  • Question #2 - Were you easily able to navigate to the section about quadball teams and find specific teams like Boston University?
    "That was a bit more frustrating, finding the teams. If you don't know the location of a team, you will have trouble finding it on the interactive map. I also didn't like that you had to click on the pinpoint to find out the team. It would be much better to hover over the pinpoint with your mouse."
  • Question #3 - How intuitive did you find the process of locating and using the contact forms?
    "I didn't like going to an external website to get to a contact form for one of the tasks. It would have been better if there was justified one contact form to use with a dropdown menu for specific subjects to choose from."
  • Question #4 - Were you able to locate the financial reports and donation options easily? Or was their any frustration with that?
    "It was pretty easy to locate. However, the way they were displayed was confusing, like the '990' in the financial report's hyperlink with no context.
  • Question #5 - Were the volunteering opportunities difficult to find, in your opinion?
    "No, it was well-located, but the navigation bar links need to be a bit bigger."
  • Question #6 - How did you feel about the external links, specifically on the navigation bar?
    "I wouldn't say it's the end of the world, but I didn't like it when the website linked me to an external page to buy something. It's risky. I think it would be best if external websites were linked only for other sources of information and not necessarily purchasing stuff."

User 2

Pre-Test Questionnaire

  • Question #1 - Have you heard of quadball?
    "I have not."
  • Question #2 - If yes, have you used this website before?
  • Question #3 - Do you prefer websites with more pages and less content on each page or fewer pages with more content on each page?
    "I like a balance. I don't like to scroll endlessly, but I also don't like having too many choices on where/how to find particular information."
  • Question #4 - Say you were looking for a brand's contact form on their website that you have never used before. Do you try to find the form without assistance or use the website's search bar?
    "I will generally scroll quickly to the bottom to see if there is a 'Contact' section. I will use the search bar if I don't find something there."
  • Question #5 - When visiting a new website, do you usually start by exploring the main menu or scroll through the homepage?
    "Usually scroll through the home page, then explore the other sections."
  • Question #6 - Do you prefer buttons or underlined/colored/formatted text to indicate a link?
    "Buttons, generally."
  • Question #7 - Have you ever used an interactive map on a website before?
    "Yeah, for Google Maps."
  • Question #8 - Does a website's (lack of) aesthetic affect your overall opinion of a website and its function?
    "It can, depending on what kind of website it is. Generally, though, the amount of effort a brand puts into their website indicates how serious they are as a business."
  • Question #9 - If a website contains multimedia content such as videos, do you typically engage with it?
    "Depending on what it is. I like previews of videos as you scroll, so when it autoplays, it is nice. But it should be muted."
  • Question #10 - How comfortable are you with clicking links that redirect you to external pages or different websites when navigating a website?
    "Pretty comfortable. I generally look to see what it is because I am cybersecurity-minded."
  • Question #11 - Do you expect all links in a website's navigation bar to only link to internal pages? Or external pages, too?
    "I would expect them to be internal unless it links to another website that relates to the website, such as a website's storefront or member website."

Post-Test Questionnaire

  • Question #1 - How easy was it to find specific information about quadball, such as its origins or rulebook?
    "The origins were easy to find, but the rulebook was a little trickier. There could be a rules section in the navigation."
  • Question #2 - Were you easily able to navigate to the section about quadball teams and find specific teams like Boston University?
    "I could find them, but I'd have to know where to locate them physically. If a team was located somewhere I've never been, then locating them on a map might be tougher."
  • Question #3 - How intuitive did you find the process of locating and using the contact forms?
    "The contact form was pretty easy. I generally look in the footer if I don't immediately see it at the top."
  • Question #4 - Were you able to locate the financial reports and donation options easily? Or was their any frustration with that?
    "I wouldn't say it was challenging, but it could have been more intuitive. I had to fumble around a bit to find what I was looking for. The search functionality, I got lucky by using one word at a time."
  • Question #5 - Were the volunteering opportunities difficult to find, in your opinion?
    "No, I don't think so. They were pretty straightforward."
  • Question #6 - How did you feel about the external links, specifically on the navigation bar?
    "It was a little bit confusing, especially for the shop. A disclaimer telling the user they were about to leave the site would have been nice. I also wondered why there was a shopping cart on the page and never found out."

User 3

Pre-Test Questionnaire

  • Question #1 - Have you heard of quadball?
  • Question #2 - If yes, have you used this website before?
  • Question #3 - Do you prefer websites with more pages and less content on each page or fewer pages with more content on each page?
    "Less content on each page."
  • Question #4 - Say you were looking for a brand's contact form on their website that you have never used before. Do you try to find the form without assistance or use the website's search bar?
    "I usually try to find it first."
  • Question #5 - When visiting a new website, do you usually start by exploring the main menu or scroll through the homepage?
    "I usually go to the homepage."
  • Question #6 - Do you prefer buttons or underlined/colored/formatted text to indicate a link?
    "Buttons are good."
  • Question #7 - Have you ever used an interactive map on a website before?
    "For airlines, yes."
  • Question #8 - Does a website's (lack of) aesthetic affect your overall opinion of a website and its function?
    "No, if it works, it's okay."
  • Question #9 - If a website contains multimedia content such as videos, do you typically engage with it?
  • Question #10 - How comfortable are you with clicking links that redirect you to external pages or different websites when navigating a website?
    "I don't like them; it takes you down a rabbit hole."
  • Question #11 - Do you expect all links in a website's navigation bar to only link to internal pages? Or external pages, too?
    "I just want it to take me anywhere it needs me to go. But usually, it's just internal. It's hard to return to where you're supposed to use external links."

Post-Test Questionnaire

  • Question #1 - How easy was it to find specific information about quadball, such as its origins or rulebook?
    "Those two were easy."
  • Question #2 - Were you easily able to navigate to the section about quadball teams and find specific teams like Boston University?
    "Yeah, I think it was okay. It was differently than the way you were wanting. But it should be incredibly easy to find, and it wasn't."
  • Question #3 - How intuitive did you find the process of locating and using the contact forms?
    "I think it could be a lot easier to locate. A lot of times, the contact form is on the home page."
  • Question #4 - Were you able to locate the financial reports and donation options easily? Or was their any frustration with that?
    "No, it was okay.
  • Question #5 - Were the volunteering opportunities difficult to find, in your opinion?
    "That was worded oddly. I don't know why it's not just one 'Volunteer' as opposed to the 'Year-Round Opportunities.'"
  • Question #6 - How did you feel about the external links, specifically on the navigation bar?
    "It was hard to tell what was external links. Like the '(map)' for the US Quadball Cup, I should not have had to hit that to find the address. That should have been more clear that it was a hyperlink."